BoneWoman, she put out the call…
Come to me you lost and forsaken, come look into my diamond eyes, and I will look into yours. I will reflect your magnificence back to you. Allow me to assist you in unraveling the threads that keep you tightly bound to your pain. I will show you the way to lay down the heavy shield you carry around as a means of self preservation. I want to see you, but you are hidden behind that shield, let me help you lay it down, lighten your load and ease into the feeling of being exposed, unguarded and unashamed. Let me show you the way to embrace the darkness. She is part of you, she is your ally as much as the light is…
BoneWoman sent out the invitation and I responded to her promise To walk with me and set me back on the path toward “home.”

" I was able to reclaim my own personal power and express it in a creative manner. "
Reda has a way of getting to the root of what our essential true self wants, to help us remember, and to assist me and others in a safe and authentic manner. She looks deep into the soul. In the re-discovery process of where the original passion was active as a child, we remove the obstacles to our own nature, be spontaneous, to own our natural state. Life is full of loss and heartache. We endure. We are still here, with an open heart waiting in this world that seems harsh. What I discovered is that I am not alone. There is a tribe of others like women. We don’t fit into the parameters, the limitations, the boundaries. And we cannot be defined or bound. We are wild women. Reda Stirs The Pot, Opens The Doors To A Place Where Are…Infinite, Vast, Boundless. I am in the flow of that place of possibility now. I am open and grateful. We can read, we can understand this intellectually. I believe we need to experience this to open the pathways into our bones. Reda is the ultimate wise woman guide and the epitome of the wild woman.
~Sharon Garber
Do you know the word wyrd? It's the ancestral word of the word weird. Weird denotes the unexpected, the unusual, perhaps supernatural, or uncanny. But the Grandmother word, wyrd, refers to one's fate and destiny. Reda is the wyrdest person I have ever known! For over 40 years I have watched her launch herself in the direction she felt pulled to, following her labyrinth, no matter how many times it changed direction. When fear shows up, she invites her in, with a place set at the table. She makes a co-creator out of fear, doubt, missteps, rejection, all the things that knock us off course. I've never known anyone so willing to show up as she is and be seen, shadow and all. She rides the winds of fate and destiny and through her love for the mystery that holds them, she can divine from a source that is, literally, out of this world. And she does it with such tenderness. She will hold your heart like the treasure it is and reflect yourSelf back to you, with love.
-C. McDowell, L.C.S.W
You opened your soul and invited us in. You held us as babes learning to crawl, then walk, and run. You nourished us with all the love of a mother warrior. You held up the mirror to our souls so that we might know and live our truth. The ancestors rejoice every day that you heard and heeded their call. You kept the faith and led us, while also being transparent and vulnerable. These are the traits of a great leader. I do see you and I know you see me too. You stood by me and comforted me when my mother passed. You helped me face my fears and embrace my magnificence. I stand tall in my medicine because you showed me the way. Your gift of self to each of us is now ours to pass on to others."You are as the wings of a butterfly – your gentle motion has caused an ocean of energy that will impact thousands of people before we are put to rest on this earth…"
~Edi Osborne
" Bone Woman is Mother Earth Incarnate. She is fierce in her commitment to all those who come to her. She possesses a magnificent gift for encouraging others to unveil their own unique medicine; that they may commit to bringing forth their own healing, power, and magnificence with confidence." She is a healer, nurturer, mother, sister, grandmother, teacher, and friend. I heard her call. Spirit dropped the invitation from Bone Woman to my door. I answered the call and went to her not knowing why or what was to come. My life will never be the same and I am eternally grateful. Through her tender loving care, I have awakened to my own medicine and magic. It was always there but until I met Bonewoman, I couldn’t or wouldn’t let myself hear it.
If you seek empowerment, awakening, and self-actualization, if you long to be loved, to be truly seen, and recognized…follow your heart to the heart of Bone Woman. She will lead you to discover and embrace your full potential to be and love all that you are!
~Colleen Doll, Healer, Diviner
Words seem pale when speaking about a glimpse into the world of ancestors through divination by Reda Rackley. Images. Affirmation. Clarification. Rituals to heal the old and open new doors. When I am at a crossroads, I call Reda. When I need guidance about the next step, I call Reda. "Power has always flowed whether it was through the telephone lines, in her sacred space, or in Jamaica. As I said, it is hard to speak of this power through something as limited as words."
~Nancy M. Thurston, Author of Big Topics at Midnight
"My hope is to heal the past so that I can live and pass on a legacy of joy. Reda’s willingness to open to the mysteries with open-hearted encouragement and support has been a great gift on that path."
~Rose F.
"Reda knows how to tap into the sacred space where the ancestors speak directly to us." In her nurturing yet direct style, she helps us see and treasure our dreams, and gives us ways to honor and support them. What a gifted shaman!
- P. H. Trachta, M.A.
Life coach and Energy Medicine Practitioner
" Reda Rackley has created a way to bring women together to heal, express, and remember their joy and creativity through her wisdom and nurturing energy. " I have been blessed to have had Reda perform several rituals for different journeys in my life. She reminded me of the power of our ancestors, guides, and our inner compasses to get through, manifest, and be clear about our power. Her healing gatherings are always balanced with joy and creativity, dancing souls and crying hearts, and finding support in each other. Our last gathering in the magnificent Nature and redwoods was a journey into fairyland. Reda is a truly modern shaman that takes our hands and walks us into sacred realms to reclaim our inner natures and powers. How blessed I am to have met her along the way.
~Shaheen Schmidt, Artist
"I have seen miracles at Reda’s shrine. I know when spirit and humans are merging in sacred healing ways. Reda and the spirit that follows her are doing excellent work. I highly recommend any ritual they are sponsoring."
~Ashe Queen Mae,
RN - Hospice Nurse - Seattle, Wa.
Sometimes we need to walk past the commerce of psychology, the self-help section in the bookstore, and beyond our western minds. If one remembers the old ways and has not given their ancestral coin to the latest snake oil peddler, if one has not ingested a fear of the devil and a mistrust of the local witch, one might just happen upon a woman like Reda Rackley. Gratefully my husband and I did. "Reda's powerful divinations helped us walk through the hardest time in our marriage and come out the other side."
- A. Livingstone
Working with Reda in one session did more for me than I’ve experienced with many healers combined, over years of work. Reda has laser keen medicine and vision, infused with her astute wisdom and ability to See your True Being. She is an exponentially gifted healer. I gathered so much personal power from her insights, and my myriad of unanswerable questions was instantaneously dissolved. Her mastery is as profound as her focused specificity in reading your personal domain of superpowers. She included grounding rituals to be performed by me to activate and ground my own concoction of being and staying, rooted in my cauldron of sacred gifts and power. I have not experienced the level of Reda felt witnessing the truth of who I am at this level before." If you are compelled to go deeper on your path, I could not recommend a more capable guide or fully embodied teacher. Reda is overflowing with Queen Wisdom! "
~ Lori Santo
I had divination with Reda which was transformational! She reached into my ancestor line and spoke things that I knew on a deep level, but I had never told anyone about and offered guidance from beyond the veil. The personal rituals she gave me to do afterward were exactly what I needed and have helped me continue to move through uncharted territory in my life. 
- Angel Cassidy
Reda’s work is both spiritual & heavy with Real. Heartfelt & passionate & well educated, she is a magic woman. You WILL be touched by her words, her artwork & her knowledge. Her stuff is the place to find your spirit of change, things will open for you. I can’t wait for you to discover her!
- CeeCee Baker
I have been immersed in the realm of divinations and training to do with traditions Reda has mastered and can attest that she has a clear connection/channel to the other world and realm of the Ancestors. Sarah Welch Decades ago, I hired Reda to help me heal my relationship with my mother. I had forgiven her, but I was not comfortable in her presence. I wanted to feel complete and whole inside my skin with or without her physical presence. I am a creative arts therapist and so I was delighted when Reda asked me to make a sculpture of my mother. I used an abandoned Wasp's nest for her bonnet and I filled the empty paper cell pods with small turquoise stones. I used a long piece of beach glass for her tongue and beads for her eyes. After incorporating spiritual work with this effigy my healing was deepened and empowered. I helped my mother during her time in Hospice and grew to love her unconditionally.
-Ericha Scott
Reda is truly a healer Bonewoman. The hero’s journey type of healer she knows, she knows. She can help you to get through those tough places in your life. Her divinations and reading of the bones are spots on. I am so ever grateful to have had one divination session with Reda.
- Signe Ruddy
Reda offers her heart wisdom and clear channel with clarity, love, authenticity, and passion. I have been deeply touched by working with her--and have experienced profound insight, healing, and grace in her presence. The ripples of our work together continue far and wide in my own life and through my lineage. Thank you!
- Laura Weaver
I have found the rituals you suggested to be so powerful and helpful. And I did call in the ancestors and angels to help my mother and you were so right, she transitioned on September 2 as I was meditating on the Buddhist meditation called POWA, which is for a peaceful transfer of consciousness. She transitioned peacefully, and I have felt her spirit being joyful and free, and simultaneously, I have felt free too, just as you had predicted. I am so grateful for your wisdom, your guidance, and all the help you have given me, and I am sure to give to so many others. Your light shines beautifully and I hope I was able to capture how inspired you are. All my Winged Women want individual sessions with you and then we want to have one together. I thank you for recognizing me, and as a daughter who loved her mother dearly. With gratitude and soul connection.
- Melanie
My friend and teacher,
On the 16th you gave me blessed divination. You asked if there was a baby coming. I said no but my daughter was trying. You told me I was to make a spirit doll for this soul who wants to come in and for other women who are holding their wombs for love. Yesterday my daughter told me she is 8 weeks pregnant!! You are so skilled!! This is 2 weeks longer than before, having miscarried at 6 weeks. I am making the spirit doll for this child, this girl, this being who is coming to carry on my mother line. Much love to you, sacred sister. Much love to you.
- Paddy McLaughlin
"In our era of massive change, Reda Rackley is a beacon of ancient wisdom for all those seeking the Old Ways of earth connection and pre-colonial knowledge. Just like our deep-time Clan mothers, Reda has the ability and honed skills to enter the realms of time, space, and spirit, and bring back messages relevant to our healing and transformation today. As a superb role model, mentor, visual artist, writer, and ceremonialist, Reda guides us back to our most authentic, earth-emergent Bonewoman selves. I have so much love, respect, and gratitude, for her work in the world~!!!"
- Pegi Eyers, author of Ancient Spirit Rising
I have had the privilege of experiencing Reda as a diviner, a teacher, a storyteller, a divine painter, and much more. Reda’s wisdom, magic, and compassion have penetrated my soul, which has changed my life and led me on a profound journey of my own. Reda’s ability to reach the “down to the bone truth” of what needs to be spoken brings healing and transformation. She sees beyond the surface of who you are and invites you to explore the power of your own magic through divination and ritual, calling the ancestors to accompany you along the way. Reda is truly gifted in all that she does.
- Jamie Villeneuve